At breakfast, a grackle showed up and raided the mealworms. Then a blue jay wanted some and they argued. The grackle kept the feeder but the blue jay left with a beakful of mealworms. Titmice just kept on hulling seeds for their fledglings.

When we got home, we swapped out the hummer feeder and replenished the mealworms despite looming clouds. The hummer was happy. A titmouse I suspect was a fledgling explored our furniture rather incautiously. Then a pair of goldfinches came for the fresh water in the ant moats.

If they'd waited a minute, the clouds would have refilled all the water containers. From 2:20 to around 5pm, rain swept through in bands, with brief breaks of sunshine. The rainfall varied from a gentle patter to jackhammers. Egrets were out during the breaks. The ant moat rain gauge looked like a quarter or a third of an inch fell, though I saw water splash out of it. The house wren I keep hearing popped up in the flowers about the time the rain quit.

The cardinals continued to court with him feeding her seeds. I saw one of the goldfinches peeking out of wet dogwood leaves. Then the female bluebird finished off the mealworms. And the hummer just kept chugging juice. I brewed a new batch today.
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