The wind shoved clouds off to the North. It was tough on all flying creatures. Still, both a male and a female goldfinch showed up. The male was not quite completely finished changing to summer plumage. A chickadee had a vigorous bath. A male hummer battled the wind to drink from the Mexican sage. A
yellow crowned night heron watched for crabs along the creek bank. They
wag their bodies when they are about to pounce. I chased off the geese
with five goslings. I saw the bluebirds several times but only got photos once .

Dragonflies zoomed around and banged on windows. One finally perched long enough for a photo. I think it was a female slaty skimmer. . A
snout butterfly rested on a hackberry leaf that was flailing in the wind. When I was running an errand, I was very startled by a sizable jumping spider on the window. It took me a minute to be certain it was on the outside.
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