It was warmer than yesterday, but very overcast. Dragonflies feasted on abundant small flies: midges, gnats, and mosquitoes. A great blue skimmer rested on the rosemary. I sat out on the front patio till sprinkles sent me in. A pair of bluebirds landed on the nestbox and seemed to be discussing it. But I didn't have the camera and they flew off and I didn't see them again. A swallow zoomed past, seeking the same bugs as the dragonflies.

The squirrel with only half a tail tried his best to get into the seed feeder. He finally stretched so far he lost his grip on the roof and tumbled off headfirst. A female common whitetail lurked in the mulch after lunch. I glimpsed a house wren inspecting the bluebird nestbox. Then we had a thunderstorm. Afterward, I did some pool cleaning and rescued many spiders.
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