It was hot again though cirrus clouds provided some sun screening. The cardinals were courting again which, I suppose, means their nest failed. The female goldfinch was thirsty but ignored the freshly refilled birdbath and struggled to drink from the ant moat.

Swallows, or maybe purple martins, swooped across the sky. Dragonflies were thick too so I guess there were lots of little flying insects to pleas them both. I saw great blue skimmers and a female blue dasher for certain, and other dragonflies that didn't pause to be identified. The spider in the iris seemed to be prospering. I also saw cobweb and jumping spiders. Lots of different wasps were busy with incomprehensible tasks. Cabbage whites and a small blue butterfly were the only ones I saw.
In between meetings I grabbed some supper. K took the hummer feeder down to wash, and not before time - the heat turned the juice to syrup and something drowned in it. Yuck. A few minutes later, a hummer showed up and buzzed all around trying to find where we'd hidden the feeder. Then a chickadee wanted to drink from the ant moat but the water level was too low. It settled for the birdbath.
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