The rain fell harder today. The birds looked soggy and it wasn't warm either. A titmouse was almost unrecognizable and a cardinal not much better. But, mercifully, there wasn't much wind. Bluebirds continued to bring bugs to the nest box.

The rain briefly became mist at lunch time and K swapped the flying-saucer-shaped hummingbird feeder for the cheap one that actually seems to function better in rain. Also, the top of the saucer was daubed with guano. A hummer came to feed in mid afternoon but I missed it.
I did see a brown thrasher toward evening, but it saw me too. At supper two titmice and a pair of cardinals devoured seeds as though they were starving. I suspect the titmice were mates, but they looked the same to me. The cardinals definitely were - he tried to feed her but that over-weighted the perch and spoiled the romance. And the light was poor and the glass streaky with rain so no photos.
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