I took a chance and put out mealworms, hoping they will not be turned to soup. Titmice and downy woodpeckers came for breakfast. Male house finches argued about precedence on the feeder.
When I came home from the pool, K was trying to get a newly hatched gosling out of the pool. With two of us, it was possible to scare it to the steps. The parent geese, of course, were no help. The sky went from mostly blue to mostly white over the course of the morning.

So frustrating! I saw a goldfinch, a great crested flycatcher, a brown thrasher, and a bluebird, each posed for a good shot, but by the time I fired up the camera, they were gone. Lots of cabbage whites, some small orange butterflies, and some kind of blue or hairstreak were all flitting through the yard. Skinks were all around the steps.
Across the street, two crows landed in a crape myrtle where a mockingbird must have had a nest. The mockingbird dove at them and eventually drove them away. I don't know if they ate any eggs or nestlings.
A yellow crowned night heron waded along the edge of the creek in the afternoon.