I was gone from before dawn to after lunch. When I got home, the usual suspects were busy eating: white throats, wrens, titmice, downy woodpeckers, etc. The pine warbler was out and about in bright daylight and I did not see the butterbutt at all. Buffleheads were bathing together. The geese tried to invade the yard so I had to sit outside till they were convinced to go elsewhere.

A wasp made a determined effort to get through the glass. A small beetle got entangled in a bit of spiderweb left from last fall. A crane fly clung to window screen. A honeybee worked on the rosemary along side the carpenter bees. A cabbage white, a tiger swallowtail, and a
spring azure butterfly all flitted through the yard, but I only captured the little spring azure.

And I saw the first skink of the year! That one, a bluetail, was followed soon after by a mature adult. It was a warm day, albeit mostly cloudy.

The cherry that grew from a pit I spit had lots of flowers this year. Last year it only managed a half dozen altogether. The azalea bushes with small flowers were covered with blooms and the ones with big flowers had a few blossoms down low. Flowers on the other dogwoods were beginning to open.

I spotted a squirrel eating something pink, apparently a
flower bud. It then swiped a hickory bud. Around sunset, a male
happened on a female foraging around the birdbath and it was instant

Sunset was colorful but, after teasing us all day, rain started before it was fully dark.