Saturday, August 4, 2018


It rained overnight and was just finishing when I got up.  Clouds came and went all day but no more rain fell till after sunset.  Many varieties of dragonfly hunted the tiny biters brought out by the humidity.  Needham's skimmers glowed red and gold but never stopped for a portrait. 

The usual house finches and chickadees and an occasional cardinal kept the seed feeder busy and the hummers fussy.  But blue dasher dragonflies even perched on the feeder hanger. I think there were some butterflies and definitely some bees and wasps, but mostly dragonflies, and whatever they were catching.  Spittlebugs made the mint look disgusting.  I believe I finally saw a caterpillar atop the cherry among obviously eaten leaves.A four spotted pennant zipped back and forth over the tree. 

There were birds in the cherry getting some late berries but I suspect more were over in the fig.  All the rain made the figs speed from green to fermented without pause.  I did identify one robin but the rest of the birds were obscured by foliage.  Egrets hung about the creek.  A tiny skinklet posed like a komodo dragon.  I saw a larger one climbing the feeder post but it slipped around the back and I saw no more. 

Sunset left a tangerine thumbprint over the pines.  Long thin clouds may have been dissipating contrails.  After dark there was a rain shower. 


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