Saturday, September 7, 2019

Berry nice

As usual, sunshine followed the hurricane.  It didn't seem so very hot and humid, until I started cleaning up the yard mess.  Soon the sweat was dripping off the end of my nose.  The redwood shed tiny, flat needles, about a centimeter long, millions of them. Lots of the oak leaves had been shredded, so it was like being covered in green confetti.  But there was plenty of larger stuff, including small branches. 

At lunch time, a mockingbird enjoyed beautyberries.  Then the blue jays wanted some.  Then they wanted to sunbathe.  The mockingbird and, later, a Carolina wren also sunbathed.  So they had a spa day while I worked in a sauna.

A silly skink dithered on the pool edge.  Later I fished two skinks out of the water.  Titmice were made bold by hunger.  Even cardinals couldn't keep them from the feeder.  Hummers were also less intimidated by bigger birds.  A squirrel created a commotion in the rue, but I've no idea why.

A ted tailed hawk soared in circles over the creek.   The Carolina wrens shared the bark butter with a titmouse and the sunflower seeds with a chickadee.

A couple of butterflies emerged more or less intact from the storm.  I think the first was a red spotted purple and the second a question mark.  I did not see one dragonfly. only a few bees and wasps came around.  The gray weevils were still around.  I couldn't locate the Carolina mantis.

The tide was still high for a first quarter moon, washing over part of the dock.   The dam emerged from the flood without visible harm.  A juvenile yellow crowned night heron paced on the dock. 

There was lots of activity in the oak and I saw what I thought was a fledgling bluebird.  I did see goldfinches

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