Sunday, September 22, 2019

Frog musings

When I went to empty the pool skimmer, a frog that had been lurking there darted out and swam away.  Eventually I tracked it down and caught it. I congratulated myself on still being able to catch frogs at my age.  Then I wondered if enjoying frog chasing at my age was a bit strange.  It reminded me of Quiddich - I can't fly but I can float and the frog was certainly as lively as a Golden Snitch.  But I was happy to do without an opposing team and so, I suspect, was the frog.

In other news, I saw one dragonfly zip past in the late afternoon.   A swallowtail and a sulphur flitted around earlier, but it was pretty breezy.  Yesterday's hibiscus blossoms were still open, but they looked like the last.  A few leaves had turned, but the wind pulled them off.  It was another cloudless day, though some haze and wisps appeared in time to be colored by the sunset. 

A Carolina wren hunted in the grass.  Several red bellied woodpeckers seemed to be arguing in the oak.  Crows flew off to their roost.  Blue jays made a lot of noise and one visited that mysterious knothole on the oak.  Twilight made the camera cranky, but I could see two mockingbirds in the beautyberry bush.  Then  a dove paced around the pool. 

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