It must have rained again overnight because a breeze made it look like a sprinkler was on. A goldfinch pair visited and the female worked on the sunflowers while the male stood guard. Then Carolina wrens discovered that I refilled "their" feeder. Otherwise not much occurred at breakfast.

Later in the day, a titmouse and a downy woodpecker visited the feeder.
A hummer investigated every flower - lavender, rose, even hibiscus. It
came within inches of my face, which of course meant I couldn't
photograph it. It had a freckled throat. A grackle and a brown
thrasher hunted in the grass.

A wide variety of dragonflies took advantage of all the insects encouraged by yesterday's rain. A four spotted pennant used the pine tree for a perch and later a Halloween pennant found the same spot. Many saddlebags stayed on the wing including these that were mating. An amberwing lurked in the rue. Blue dashers used the perches I put out. With evening, the twelve spotted skimmers took over, flying high and fast.

I saw a tiger and a black swallowtail but only got photos of a cabbage white and a hairstreak. I rescued many beetles, a few wasps, an immature stink bug, and a robber fly that looked quite different floating on the water. When I felt little feet on my neck I nearly drowned a mama wolf spider and her spiderlings, but I fished them out. A lovely great golden digger wasp fed on the milkweed. And there were fireflies to finish the day.

Clouds sailed across the sky all day, sometimes shading the sun and creating dramatic sunbeams. Skinks ran around the patio but I didn't get any in focus. Egrets and a great blue heron flew over the creek. When I went to close off the pool steps the yellow crowned night heron was on the dock again. The gladiolus put up a new flower spike. Trumpet vine flowers were in bloom. I'm glad to know the vine didn't die. A bright, fat moon hid behind the trees at dusk.