A laughing gull plunged into the creek like an osprey. I glimpsed a genuine osprey through the trees. A pair of cardinals in the midst of ugly molting came for seeds. A hummer found the lavender. Later I saw a shadow that looked like a hummer cross the closed blind in the bedroom. I hope it found the hanging baskets of flowers. A squirrel drank from the birdbath. The morning was wasted shopping.

A cloudless sulphur, a cabbage white, a tiger and a black swallowtail flew through the back yard. A flock of mallards congregated by the dam outfall. A Carolina wren took note of the refilled worm dish. K saw three hummers chasing each other. Titmice came for lunch. And a male downy woodpecker put in an appearance.

At supper, I saw a
four spotted pennant dragonfly on the tall perch. Hummers zoomed around and then one hummer sat in the dogwood, I think because I came outside to photograph the dragonfly. The cloud cover appeared quilted with blue gaps as an egret flew home. The West looked golden through the trees.
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