The hummer turned up her beak at the feeder, so we put out fresh. Two Carolina wrens cleaned out the mealworms so I refilled that too. A skink seemed to chase its tail, but I suppose it was a bug. I rescued a honeybee and a mama wolf spider from the water. The wolf spider was carrying her egg pearl. An ant carried off a huge (to it) cicada wing. Earlier, I saw a cicada killer on the prowl.

A blue dasher obelisked by the butterfly milkweed. The wrens came back for more mealworms. A hummer (or more) paid brief visits to the fresh juice. Blue jays and maybe a goldfinch hid in the foliage. Cumulus clouds started piling up at lunch and by 3:30pm there was thunder and lightning, signifying nothing. The fledgling cardinal was shivering in the hackberry, trying to cage a meal. A Halloween pennant was perched atop the tallest pine candle with dark clouds as a backdrop.
Around 6pm, finally, the rain fell, accompanied by much louder, closer thunder. As soon as it slacked off, after about an hour, a titmouse came for supper. The wrens picked bits out of the rain-filled mealworm dish. Dragonflies started hunting as soon as the rain stopped. Through the trees, I could see golden light in the West but clouds remained overhead.
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