Yes I got bit again. I was trying to tie up a canna stalk that had fallen over when I felt it on my thigh. In other news, a yellow crowned night heron made use of the dock while I was having breakfast. A hummer eluded my camera but a goldfinch posed. The sky was streaked with cirrus wisps.

A titmouse came to lunch. Later in the afternoon, a white breasted nuthatch wanted seeds. It was frustrated by a goldfinch who got there first. A tiger swallowtail flitted through the trees as did a tiny blue-gray butterfly. A whole flock of blue jays screamed at something next door. I saw the feral cat around dusk so maybe that's what upset the birds earlier.

There were pink clouds at sunset, and it was interesting to see the cumulus go gray while the higher cirrus were still tinted. Late 12-spotted skimmers roamed the air above the roof. The almost first quarter moon was bright and the fireflies were out early.
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