The temperature plunge after last evening's storm did not last. The water was full of leaf litter, but few bugs. Dragonflies were doing a good business. A
cloudless sulphur flitted around but didn't consent to a picture. A small wasp carried off a grasshopper nymph almost as big as it was, but I didn't have the camera as I was chasing the sunflower thief. Guilty squirrel was caught in the act. The female goldfinch went after the flowers that remained. The Carolina wrens complained when they found rainwater instead of mealworms. I fixed that and they were happy.

At lunchtime a Carolina saddlebags used the dogwood as a place to perch between hunting forays. A black swallowtail hung around the rue. The wrens were back at the mealworm dish. The two male cardinals were defending territory. All the regulars visited the sunflower cafe, but I didn't see any of the not-so-frequent visitors. A hummer let us know it was time for fresh juice. Later, a butterfly flitted around the hackberry tree.

The additional hummer feeder arrived, along with tiny bottle-brushes to clean the holes. A fledgling cardinal crashed into the window and then sat looking confused on the sill. It seemed to be OK and its mother showed up quickly to investigate. Shortly after that I left for a meeting. The Western sky was ablaze with dramatic sunbeams. Fortunately, the clouds did not turn into a storm like yesterday.
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