There was a nice breeze and it was cooler, but humid when I picked blueberries. They were fat from the rain. A
duskywing discovered the opening sunflowers. The grass was full of inky cap mushrooms and a big bracket was expanding where the front yard oak used to be.

There were more butterflies today than I remember seeing this year thus far. Tiger swallowtails, an Eastern comma, and something in a dogwood that I didn't recognize, all got away without a photo. I rescued a gorgeous metallic blue-green bee from the water but it flew off immediately. Blue dasher and amberwing dragonflies were more cooperative. A
Hentz jumping spider landed on me and posed.

The goldfinches visited separately. A hummer had a good meal at the feeder and later it, or another, examined the sunflowers, but took alarm at the camera. Blue jays were around and one left me a lovely feather. I heard a mockingbird and a woodpecker but didn't catch sight of them. A male brown headed cowbird landed on the feeder but didn't stay. A dove hopped up the steps and had a good drink while we sat there. It was interesting to watch it swallow without lifting its head as other birds must. At supper, a Carolina wren visited the seed feeder, ignoring the mealworms I had just put out, and intimidating birds twice its size. A downy woodpecker also wanted seeds.
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