The sky was overcast when I got up but within two hours it had cleared. A titmouse came early but did not return. The feeder which was rejected by a hummer yesterday was acceptable today. I don't understand. At least three kinds of dragonflies perched around the patio: a bar winged skimmer, a widow skimmer, and a blue dasher. I saw a small butterfly flitting around the hackberry but it did not land to be identified.

A duck trailed a line of new ducklings downstream past the dredge. A honeybee looked for nectar but ignored the lavender the bumblebees favor. Two basilica orbweaver spider (
Mecynogea lemniscata)webs glittered in the sun, one in the hibiscus and one in the rue. The widow skimmer hung around all day. I wish she had been big enough to tackle the fly that bit me.
After dark thunder rumbled.
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