Today's rain was lighter than yesterday and ended before noon. As usual, it brought out the birds. Four titmice and a downy woodpecker visited the feeder along with the regular birds. The fledgling cardinal was feeding itself sunflower seeds but a harried parent cardinal was still feeding a cowbird fledgling.

Robins ate wild cherries. A pileated woodpecker flew across the yard in the rain. At least two hummers competed for their feeder. I had dumped and refreshed the mealworms which pleased the wrens. It also attracted two grackles.

After the rain stopped, an adult skink chased another across the patio. I saw others later, one at a time. Butterflies appeared from wherever they'd hidden: a black swallowtail, a cabbage white, and two kinds of skipper. A tattered female blue dasher took up a post on the top of the sunflower. Saddlebags cruised overhead. I discovered an orb spider in the spartina.

The sun was hot in the early afternoon but clouds returned and by 4pm it was overcast again. On my way to pick blueberries I startled a blue jay. There were no
blueberries to pick, only green ones were left. A goldfinch made
numerous passes over the yard but I never saw it land. A yellow crowned night heron preened on the dock. A hummer fed on the Mexican sage.

Two great crested flycatchers joined the robins in the cherry tree, but not for cherries, I think. As I watched the flycatchers, it got too dark for photos though it was just after 5pm. Thunder and lightning soon followed. This time the rain was not gentle and wind gusts slammed it into the house. And it continued for hours.
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