I guess the birds were in a sunflower hangover. Only the regulars came to breakfast. And then it rained again in the late morning. That must have been the signal because there were birds at lunch.

The goldfinch pair came back for more sunflower seeds. The immature mourning dove and the fledgling cardinal puttered around. A Carolina wren was either immature or just wet. A brown thrasher went for wild cherries and that reminded me to go pick blueberries. A mockingbird had the same idea. Two hummers battled in midair and then were gone over the house too fast for my camera reflexes. A robin came through the yard while I was in the pool.

Skinks were moving slowly, but were mostly hidden behind a chair. I saw a tiger swallowtail, a couple of tiger beetles, and some snails, but that was about it for invertebrates. A couple of squirrels appeared to be mating, or maybe just playing.

Egrets and great blue herons fished the creek and I believe a little green heron landed up in the gum tree, but it was screened by branches. A great blue preened on a dock piling but I'd left the camera inside because rain sprinkles kept falling through the afternoon. An osprey and laughing gulls flew over the creek.
The sky showed some signs of clearing late in the day. Fireflies were out during the fireworks, which we could hear if not see.
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