Three flowers on the hibiscus greeted us. A titmouse and the pair of goldfinches joined the seed feeder trio. The goldfinches checked the progress of their sunflowers. A dove preened on the birdbath. A hummer visited briefly. I made fresh juice and restocked the front yard feeder.

The hummer returned and checked out each of the sunflowers and a rosebud. After I picked blueberries, as I was cleaning them, an ant blundered into a web under the table. It was three times the size of the spider that was trying to subdue it. A couple of butterflies danced together over the pool. I don't know if that's courtship or turf defense. The widow skimmer was back at her post.

A monarch butterfly found the milkweed and the zinnia. I thought a cardinal was going to catch it, but then the bird veered away. It must have remembered a previous experience. A robber fly whooshed around me, making me nervous till I saw what it was. The basilica spider in the hibiscus caught something.
Piles of cumulus drifted East under a high haze. While swimming, I saw a wren and a little green heron. A hummer poked at a hibiscus bud, then flew off to try a pine candle. There was a flurry of birds at supper: a Carolina wren, two male cardinals glaring, three doves, and uncounted house finches. Afterward, an egret stalked upstream along the bank.
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