The pair of goldfinches were squeezed off the feeder by all the house finches. A downy woodpecker wanted some too. I saw only one Carolina wren at breakfast. A brown thrasher visited the cherries. Some kind of heron flew downstream. And four squirrels romped in the mulch. One seems to be named Randy. Doves, one adult and one immature, were dismayed by the lack of decorum. I glimpsed butterflies and dragonflies but they were gone too fast for my reflexes. While I was not watching, something ate a sunflower bud.

I took the camera to the pool as being mostly underwater serves as a blind. The hummer visited the cannas and also hovered around the pine and hackberry. Carolina wrens were all over in the underbrush. Blue jays were feasting on the wild cherries. I saved a June beetle. There were many sorts of butterflies but all I captured was a cabbage white. And a
brown-spotted Zale Moth that landed on the screen.
A male cardinal descended in wrath on a female who was not his mate but had come to the feeder. In so doing he scared off a white breasted nuthatch. His female then moved in. Carolina wrens were everywhere. Brown thrashers hunted under the redwood. One took some spa time in a patch of dust.
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