The Carolina wrens and the hummingbird made frequent visits to their respective feeders. I fished more dead bugs out of the pool than live - wasps, a caterpillar, stink bugs, and beetles. A click beetle showed up in the bucket of blueberries I picked, but it clicked away before I got the camera. A "murder of crows" had a noisy discussion as they flew back and forth and around overhead.

There was enough breeze to reduce the chance of being
fly bitten. Butterflies (fiery skipper and black swallowtail) and bar-winged skimmer dragonflies passed through. Some skinks scampered. A
young argiope built a web in the azalea where the orchard spider was a
few weeks back.

In the late afternoon, an egret rested on the dock bench. I took that as a sign and went for another swim. That was fortunate for a skink who was working hard to stay afloat. It was an adult with a regrown tail.
Goldfinches were startled off the seed feeder. I photographed a hummer from a different angle. And the wrens returned. Sunset featured those vertical cumulus that remind me of stalagmites.
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