The regulars came to breakfast, as did a titmouse, a dove under the feeder, and a Carolina wren at the mealworm dish. In the afternoon, an osprey flew past the muddy creek - did I mention the dredge had arrived back at our dock? No waterfowl today. I heard a towhee but never saw it. The hummer discovered the cannas.

Some dragonflies were out hunting and I glimpsed an occasional butterfly. One of the dragonflies was a saddlebags. When we were picking blueberries I saw small green stinkbugs. Lots of sweat bees and tiny wasps fell into the drink but after one stung me I attempted no more rescues. I did fish out scarabs and tiger beetles. A jumping spider raced back and forth on the coping, why I don't know. Four glass snails floated in the water. I moved them to the birdbath because I wasn't sure what shock chemicals would do to them. I discovered the tiny green "inchworm" caterpillars that made lace of the hibiscus leaves. We sprayed one stalk with oil to see if that would discourage them. There were also very small insects that looked like miniature fireflies on the leaves. I don't know if they were helping or hurting.

Late in the day, a male goldfinch arrived at the feeder. The dredge operator had left for the day and an egret appeared. A dragonfly I think was a Halloween pennant perched on a twig outside my office window.
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