Monday, September 4, 2017

Lovely weather

A perfect day for a holiday - hot sun and cool breezes. Doves arrived after breakfast.  A few titmice visited.  Egrets of both species hunted by the dam and were briefly joined by a great blue heron. 

The plague of frogs continued and one I fished out alive died in front of me. Out of five, one may have survived.  I don't know if it's the pool chemicals or if they were already sick when they arrived.  In other years, only frogs that got caught in the skimmer drowned.

There were lots of hummingbird visits all day long, but if Mary Reid Barrow was correct, they were migrating through, rather than our summer residents.  It or they did investigate plants that the summer tenants had learned were not food.  She also said that juveniles of both sexes had "five o'clock shadow," that is, vertical dark lines on the throat. I had assumed those were males.  At least two hummers were present since there were constant chases. 

Squirrels started burying pecans in flowerbeds.  One leapt onto the smooth, round, step railing, spun under it, and slunk away. Despite it being warmer, I only saw one skink. 

A duskywing, a cloudless sulphur, a painted lady, a black swallowtail and maybe a red spotted purple butterfly showed up. The only dragonfly I saw was an amberwing.  Bees and wasps, however, were still busy.  I rescued a honeybee and numerous small wasps or bees. 

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