Friday, July 26, 2024

Cool gray day

The rain finally stopped but the sky stayed overcast and that kept the temperature down and the air damp.  A cool breeze persuaded me to stay dry.  When I went outside I saw a tan jumping spider, Platycryptus undatus.  I took my eyes off it to grab the camera and when I looked back it was on its back with legs curled, acting dead.  It had been lively seconds before so I flipped it right-side-up.  It slowly recovered and tottered away.  Did I discover a spider that plays possum?

A skimmer used one of the bamboo perches.  Some of the usual wasps were missing but all the regular bees showed up.  Some flies liked the mountain mint too.  I saw a fiery skipper, a monarch, a tiger swallowtail, and a dark butterfly.  Bees harassed the monarch while she laid eggs on the butterfly milkweed.  

Hummer wars have begun.  I saw a hummer keeping watch on the feeder.  It was all fluffed up as though it too was feeling chilly.  Then it dived on another that tried to feed.  It also flew up to me and hovered about four feet away.  I wish I knew what that meant.  A couple of skinklets wandered around the patio but I saw no adults today. 

A bird perched atop the maple - a mockingbird?  Then I saw great crested flycatchers.  There were at least two, maybe three.  I thought they were fledglings because they seemed awkward and pale. 

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