Saturday, July 6, 2024


Goldfinches started the day with cuteness.  A Carolina wren added a few notes.  There was some competition for seeds as the female cardinal was in a mood.  A pine warbler put in an appearance that looked very much like the female goldfinch.  Fortunately their beaks are quite different.  I pulled up a lot of cinquefoil that was creeping onto the patio. 

I had a leisurely morning swim, saved some beetles, and evicted some spiders.  While I was dripping off, the mountain mint's fan club entertained.  I saw more bumblebees today.  The usual wasps and skipper were feeding.   A squirrel bopped up the steps then caught sight of me and crept quietly away.  A black swallowtail egged what remained of the rue.  About two thirds of the rue died after blooming. 

Small clouds flowed from the West and the thermometer showed 100° again.  I saw high-flying dragonflies and some kind of raptor.  A four-spotted pennant perched at the top of the oak and was only visible when a gust of wind parted the leaves.  I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't been trying to photograph the raptor.  The predicted rain did not fall.  Maybe it will come overnight? Clouds turned orange at sunset. 

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