Thursday, July 18, 2024

Gloomy day

Today was cooler under an overcast sky.  Red and yellow finches shared the feeder, briefly.  A Carolina wren investigated the seeds and caught a big bug.  Two squirrels chased each other and disturbed birds.  One squirrel actually managed to steal a few seeds from the feeder.  The other had a sweet tooth and tried the hummer feeder.  A pair of brown thrashers hunted in a rosebush. 

The mountain mint was lively with wasps and bees.  I saw a blue mud wasp but it didn't hang around to be photographed.   I did get two different kinds of black bee.  A slaty skimmer used the bamboo perch outside my window.  A hummer visited.  I got my swim time in the morning and we even ate lunch outside.  The aster had buds again.  A great blue heron perched on a dock post.  Not long after that, the rain began.  

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