Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Still cool

Morning was overcast.  The black-and-white cat lurked under the feeder but neither birds nor squirrel showed up.  After the cat gave up the goldfinch pair visited.  The clouds began to break apart before lunch but there was little sunshine.  

I went out looking for spiders.  The orchard spider had disappeared but I found the fingerprint web of the baby Argiope.  The spider's stripes blended perfectly with the lines in the web.  A southern purple mint moth landed on the watering can.  Very pretty, but they are rough on herbs.  A great golden digger wasp fussed with the mountain mint.  Honeybees were more methodical.  Other bees and wasps filled up on mountain mint nectar.  

There were still plenty of clouds in the afternoon but more sunshine and that made the temperature rise into the 80s.  The hummer came back to the gladiolus, so they must provide some nourishment.  Soon she was off to the mountain mint and hidden from me.  After supper, the male goldfinch made a brief stop but didn't eat.  

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