Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Dragonflies were plentiful all day but I didn't see any of the more gaudy species, just workmanlike blue dashers and slaty skimmers.  One perched at the top of the wild cherry but I couldn't identify if silhouetted against the sky.  A slender black & yellow wasp was new but hard to photograph.  The usual bees and wasps visited.  A gray hairstreak bustled around the hibiscus which had no flowers to explain its interest.  A snout and many fiery skippers fed on the mountain mint.  The rue held the interest of a black swallowtail.  The Argiopes were right where I last saw them. 

The black & white cat hung around and made the birds anxious.  I evicted the frog from the pool again.  Skinks, large and small, scurried around the patio.  Big cumulus seemed to threaten rain but they just kept moving.  The bald cardinal posed on a dragonfly perch.  The male goldfinch preened in the wild cherry.  Hummers kept coming to their feeder.  

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