Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mole mortician

A brown headed nuthatch was today's early bird.  After K hung a fresh feeder a hummer appeared.  I drained the rainwater off the barkbutter mush but the birds were not that desperate.  In the afternoon, a blue jay tried the barkbutter mush but didn't stay for seconds.

I saw two skinks interact again but this time it looked less loving.  One flipped into the air and decamped.  Later, another adult skink and a tiny skinklet moseyed around the patio.  The adult had a regrown tail and the skinklet was already missing its tail tip. 

Something was floating that I thought was a chunk of mulch.  Instead it was an eastern mole, Scalopus aquaticus.  We've found drowned voles before but this was the first mole and it was twice as big.  Too big for a quick toss down the hill, so it went into a poop bag.  But first I took pictures of those amazing paws.  I did some research and learned that moles can swim but I am pretty sure this one was dead. 

A big monarch caterpillar appeared at the top of the plant, eating the flowers.  I had been expecting caterpillars since a monarch laid eggs a few weeks ago.  The usual wasps and bees worked on the mountain mint.  I saw one fiery skipper   Despite predictions and cloudy skies, there was no rain during the day.  

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