Tuesday, July 30, 2024


The orchard spider that disappeared was close to where the Argiope spiders appeared.  I wonder if they had anything to do with the other spider's dis appearance?  A fiery skipper looked fine in the sunlight.  A tiger swallowtail was only a blur on the camera.  A very tiny skink had begun to regrow its lost tail.  A less fortunate one was drowned in the skimmer.  A few dragonflies hunted from perches but I didn't see any high fliers.  

A sleepy orange butterfly nectared on the butterfly milkweed.  A snout butterfly perched on a dead dogwood twig, imitating a dead leaf.  A cabbage white visited the mountain mint.  A very dark skipper did too.  It was rusty brown in bright sunlight but black most of the time and in motion way too often.  K hung a fresh hummer feeder and it took a few hours for the birds to get used to it.  

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