Friday, July 5, 2024

Triple digits

Titmice  and Carolina wrens got up early to beat the heat.  The goldfinch pair came along shortly after.  A hummer gulped down sugar water.  I swam in the morning while there was shade.  Spiders were everywhere around the pool.  So were brown June beetles. 

At lunch time a flock of crows gathered.  I saw 102° on the outside thermometer.  The mountain mint was crowded with the usual wasps and bees and skippers.  A female widow skimmer used the bamboo perch.  In the late afternoon I saw a dark dragonfly in the shade.  It may have been a slaty skimmer.  A duskywing joined the mountain mint diners. 

The goldfinches returned in the afternoon.  I checked on my Argiope spiders but only saw one..  Their webs were fresh and beginning to look more traditional.  Fiery skippers visited the mountain mint.  A blue dasher used a dried gladiolus stalk as a perch.  Down on the creek, an egret fished.  

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