Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sunny, breezy, and full of wildlife

A female towhee showed up at breakfast.  Then two doves foraged.  A juvenile cardinal joined them on the ground.  On the feeder, a white breasted nuthatch was persistent.  The female downy hoped for seeds too.  A hummer didn't like having the woodpecker so close.  She flared her tail and tried to look big.  

When I got beck from the morning's errand, butterflies were arriving.  A black swallowtail levitated over the rue.  A tiger swallowtail floated over the pool.  At least four fiery skippers and a snout fed on the mountain mint.  A monarch passed through without stopping.  A silver spotted skipper was attracted to the asters.  Bees harassed it.  A sulphur also went for the aster blossoms.

A Carolina wren inspected the premises.  A bluebird alighted on the post, then had some seeds.  The white breasted nuthatch and the towhee returned.  And then the feral cat showed up. I was worried about the towhee so I went outside to keep the cat away.  Of course that kept many of the birds away too.  

Dragonflies gathered.  A male pondhawk stayed close to the ground.  A male widow skimmer flew into the trees.  A female bar winged skimmer and a female slaty used the bamboo stakes. 

I picked some blueberries but all I saw was a guinea paper wasp in the grass.  On the mountain mint, the great golden digger wasps were back.  In the pool, I saved a tiny skink, a frog, three fig beetles, and a bumblebee.  A cicada  was dead in the skimmer.  A glass snail lay in the hot sun so I moved it.  Two other skinks chased across the patio and I thought I heard a sort of chirpy bark.  Another ambled toward me.  

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