Monday, July 8, 2024


The goldfinches wanted an early breakfast, or maybe they just wanted to eat in peace.   A half dozen hibiscus flowers brightened the day.  Hummers found their feeder.  I located three baby Argiope spiders today, two of them only inches apart.  They were looking more like adults than last week even though they didn't seem bigger.  The female downy pecked crumbs from the barkbutter dish because I didn't want to put out more while rain was predicted. 

With only a light breeze, the air was stifling even without the sun.  As I headed down the steps I saw a duskywing in the mountain mint.  On my way back, I surprised a skink.  While swimming, I rescued another mama wolf spider with babies and a robber fly with white on the abdomen.I don't know if I rescued the same one twice or if there were two.  The same dragonfly hung out on the perch by my window all day and was still there until it got too dark to see.   I'm pretty sure it was a female bar-winged skimmer. 

A couple of swallowtails danced together and at least one looked like a palamedes.  A hummer that appeared at the same time was about the same size.  I glimpsed what I took to be a jellyfish bobbing in the creek.  A different dragonfly with a dusty blue abdomen perched on a taller bamboo stake.  The brown headed nuthatch returned at supper time.  I have seen no goslings or ducklings this year.  The goose excluder certainly worked!  But not even out on the creek have I seen the usual little convoys.  The rain never arrived.  Firefly season seemed to be over, unless the drought cut it short.  

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