Monday, July 22, 2024


I woke up to rain which continued intermittently all day.  The newspaper reported we were 9" above average for the year thus far.  During a lull, I saw a house wren and a hummer.  The wren led the camera on a chase. 

There was a longer lull in the late morning so I got a swim.  Bees and wasps crowded the mountain mint along with a small black beetle with yellow wing covers and an ailanthus moth.  Dragonflies came out briefly.  A skinklet clambered through vegetation, then fell off.  Sprinkles of rain sent me inside.  

A clear view of the dock revealed a kingfisher.  I think I saw a hint of a female's rust-colored belly band.   It took off after another bird that might have been a sandpiper.   Then a couple of them flew through the rain but were just a blur.  The kingfisher returned but selected a perch obscured by vegetation.  

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