Sunday, July 28, 2024

Still sunny and breezy

The creek was flat and reflective but obscured by leaves so I pay less attention than in the winter.   A hummer came for breakfast.  The juvenile cardinal returned and I was glad to see that the cat hadn't killed it.  At lunch time a pine warbler noticed there were barkbutter balls.  There seemed to be damage to the bird's left eye.  The cardinal that loses his head feathers each summer was bald again. 

A monarch passed through but didn't linger.  Fiery skippers enjoyed the mountain mint alongside the wasps and bees.  A red spotted purple flew straight to the wild cherry.  A black swallowtail went for the rue.  Dragonflies patrolled the upper air and stood watch on the bamboo stakes.  I saw a slaty skimmer and a Needham's skimmer perched. 

While in the pool, I saw a small black wasp dragging a legless cricket.  I saw the same thing yesterday and forgot to mention it.  Today's incident was about 6' from yesterday's, but I'd hate to think it was the same wasp and cricket with so little progress.  I also saw an ant with orange wings which on closer inspection was an ant carrying part of an amberwing dragonfly.  A frog was in the skimmer.  I caught it and made it pose.  As usual, there were beetles needing rescue and spiders resisting it. 

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