Sunday, August 18, 2024

3 frogs

I overslept.  A cicada killer was busy around the violets next to the birdbath.   A hummer was hungry for breakfast. 

One frog sat on the top step of the pool ladder.  It evicted itself as I came close.  The other two were on my "rescue stick" that I wedged into the coping to aid critters to escape drowning.  One was sitting on top of the other.  By the time I got out and got the camera one frog had left.  The other stayed put the whole time I swam around.  After I got out, there were two frogs again. 

The hummer was standing guard in the dogwood again.  Blue jays got excited about the barkbutter balls.  A female bluebird tried to get a few.  Even a female cardinal sampled them.  The bald male stuck with seeds.  The female downy came for seeds too.  A song sparrow pounced on a fallen seed. 

The wind grew very gusty especially when a cloud blocked the sun.  The fungus under the oak reappeared.  A blue dasher guarded the patio. The Argiope with wanderlust was still behind my chair.  Tiny midges swarmed over a stinkbug the Argiope had wrapped.  The blue dasher was replaced by a larger skimmer, maybe a slaty.  And still I got bit.  

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