Friday, August 2, 2024

Hot and windy

A goldfinch was determined to get breakfast.  A hummer found the feeder despite the red "flowers" fading.  In the pool I rescued a different kind of spider.  It was brown and had a cobweb spider shape and had gotten on a leaf raft which made rescue easier.  I also caught a frog and took it up to the patio to photograph.  It hopped into the grass and hid its head like the proverbial ostrich.  I suppose that if I hadn't known it was there I wouldn't have noticed it. 

One of the Argiope spiders caught lunch.  It looked like it might have been a dragonfly.  Fiery skippers, a duskywing, and the usual insects crowded the mountain mint.  A palamedes swallowtail zipped across the yard before I could think to raise the camera.  A great blue skimmer feasted on the little biters.  A monarch made a brief stop at the butterfly milkweed. 

K said the temperature hit 100.  While not sticky, there was enough humidity to make the air heavy and hard to breathe.  The wind kept pushing clouds out or the Southwest but rain did not materialize.  In the late afternoon, a female common whitetail  hunted from the patio.  They like to be on the ground except when flying.  I caught glimpses of dragonflies aloft but no pictures. 

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