Thursday, August 22, 2024

Still cool

The hibiscus was still putting out blooms despite those wretched sawflies eating the leaves to lace.  The wandering Argiope seemed to have found a spot it liked on the window.  A bluebird surveyed the feeders.  A gray hairstreak visited the violet leaves.  I must remember to check for caterpillars. 

There was nothing in the pool but one young skink who was too tired to move when I rescued it.  A little later, it revived and ran off.  A persistent white breasted nuthatch wanted seeds, and despite finches, a cardinal, and a bluebird, it finally succeeded.   Of course the hummers came frequently and chased each other away.  Female downy and red bellied woodpeckers had seeds for supper.  After all the time the white breasted nuthatch spent getting a seed, a brown headed nuthatch slipped straight in and got one.  

Clouds made a very rosy sunset.  

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