Wednesday, August 14, 2024

More beautiful weather

Another pleasant day of sunshine, breeze, low humidity.  The creek reflected noisy goings-on across from us.  K picked figs.  A profusion of hibiscus flowers opened.  I got my swim in the late afternoon.  A frog joined me but I rejected him and the same for a couple of spiders.  A half-grown skink was waiting under the lid of the skimmer.  I saw a full grown one on the planter out front and another on the pool coping.  A very little one scampered across the patio.  

The mountain mint entertained a gray hairstreak that obligingly opened its wings.  A camouflage looper looped its way across a flower head.  On the butterfly milkweed, three caterpillars chowed down on a seedpod.  There were bees and wasps, but fewer than earlier in the summer.  

The female downy glared at the hummer feeder and then settled for barkbutter balls.  The hummer or hummers paid no attention.  Then a yellow crowned night heron shot through the yard nearly hitting the hummer feeder.  And a red bellied woodpecker made a brief stop.  Blue jays and titmice made many visits to the feeders.  A dove landed on the feeder hanger.  A squirrel showed up with a warble on its back. 

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