Sunday, August 4, 2024

Waiting for rain

After a sprinkle fell in the morning, the sky cleared.  During my swim I rescued a green metallic tiger beetle, a mama spider, and two azalea caterpillars, Datana major.  I didn't do well at photographing the guests on the mountain mint but there were bees, wasps, and skippers.  One skipper was a pale duskywing that had me fooled.  A black swallowtail and a monarch passed by.  A variegated fritillary drank milkweed nectar.  And right below it was a monarch caterpillar. 

The big Argiope spider fed well but the smaller ones went hungry.  I was collecting money plant seeds and disturbed a bold jumping spider, Phidippus audax, all tucked up in a silk bed.  It hustled across the patio and into the violets.   

Blue jays noticed the barkbutter balls.  Hummers rejected the feeder so I need to change it tomorrow.  The rain finally fell around 5:30pm.  

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