Monday, August 12, 2024

Glorious weather

This was the sort of day we hope for in June.  It was still a bit cool and cloudy in the morning when I swam but the afternoon was sunny with a nice breeze and in the low 80s.  Two hibiscus flowers greeted us.  Two frogs were in the skimmer and I thought a third one was sitting on the top step of the pool ladder but I was only able to find two. One was the little bullfrog but the other was different, maybe a green frog?  Though I caught them in the morning and put them out, I saw them again in the afternoon hanging out on the ladder. 

Two big monarch caterpillars and four younger ones chowed down on the butterfly milkweed.  The four Argiope spiders looked well.  A couple of blue dashers got territorial over a perch by thr mountain mint.  A slaty skimmer found the perch outside my window.  I glimpsed a couple of high flying dragonflies and an amberwing in the mountain mint.  A few fiery skippers were around.  A lovely red banded hairstreak visited the mountain mint.  I spotted more camouflaged loopers.  A variegated fritillary seemed to be laying eggs on the morning glory and the violets.  I thought I saw a monarch and a palamedes swallowtail but they were too fast for certainty. 

Blue jays and a bluebird found the barkbutter balls.  Hummers fed in the morning but by afternoon were coming to the window with demands.  Sure enough a spot of mold had started.  So K hung a fresh feeder.  A rain lily popped up in the front yard.  The lantana was a mass of flowers that attracted skippers.  

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