Thursday, August 15, 2024

Another beautiful day

 A couple of sunflower seeds germinated and sprouted up.  I hope they will survive to flower.  A variegated fritillary appeared to be egging the violets.  One of the Argiope spiders moved into the mountain mint and already caught a meal.   I counted seven monarch caterpillars and probably missed some.  A dozen or more black swallowtail caterpillars were on the rue.  Later, a gray hairstreak also seemed interested in violet leaves.  I also saw tiger and black swallowtails and, I think, a sleepy orange. 

The hummer feeder was empty so I hung another.  I chased two frogs around the pool.  One cooperated but the other outlasted me.   A mockingbird showed up for barkbutter balls.  A blue jay followed.  Something with a big furry butt was up in one of the pines.  Hummers and a blue jay came for supper.

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