Wednesday, August 28, 2024


The brown thrasher wanted to know where was breakfast, i.e. barkbutter balls.  So did a Carolina wren.  Since the goldfinches wanted seeds, they were happy.  Both a white breasted and a brown headed nuthatch came for seeds. Mockingbirds and blue jays feasted on dogwood berries.  Hummers half emptied their feeder. 

There were two flowers on the hibiscus and I think they were the last.  I didn't see any buds. The spider looked fat.  I didn't see the other spider that was behind the azalea for more than a week.  I extracted a bullfrog from the skimmer.  The only skink I saw was ambling past the pool which I was in at the time.  K pointed out a yellow crowned night heron along the shoreline.  

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