Saturday, August 3, 2024

Solar power

A male goldfinch paid an early visit.  Later, a monarch egged the butterfly milkweed.  Fiery skippers joined the bees and wasps on the mountain mint.  A buzzard circled.  I checked on the three Argiope spiders and all were OK.  A slaty skimmer perched near me and snatched invisible bugs out of the air.  The Southern purple mint moths infested the rosemary again - I need to deal with that. 

The wind was very gusty and thrashed the leaves off trees.  The hot sun so energized the insects that I missed quite a few.  Something that might have been a hummingbird moth swooped down on the mountain mint then shot over the house.  I glimpsed rusty wings and some yellow on the body, and it had a vertical profile.  Later, I saw another duskywing skipper.  

The hummer, or hummers, seemed unfazed by the wind.  A lot of sugar water got drunk.  One I thought might be a male perched on a dead twig atop the wild cherry despite the wind.  It was a very dark hummer, for sure, but with no hint of ruby. 

A blue dasher joined the slaty skimmer.  And I realized that what I had assumed was another wasp was actually a female Eastern amberwing, Perithemis tenera.  Also, I glimpsed what I thought was a male widow skimmer, at least I got an impression of black and white wings.  Sometime after 5pm, the weather shifted from hot wind pushing cumulus out of the SSW to a slow-moving overcast. 

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