Thursday, August 29, 2024

Three frog day

Maybe it was the heat but the birds slept in.   However, I was rewarded by a brand new monarch pumping up its wings on the azalea.  With all the webs around that bush, I'm glad it didn't encounter any spiders!  Finally, I saw a bluebird atop the redwood.  Two brown headed nuthatches came to the feeder together.  A red spotted purple made me waste pixels but it also showed me red berries ripening on the hackberry tree.  

Finally at lunch we began to see birds.  A mockingbird was thirsty.  The sky was freckled with clouds.  A small, tailless skink scooted over the concrete.  A larger skink hid among the violets.  I tried to photograph tiny sweat bees. Some of the beautyberries began to get a magenta tinge.   The sky turned thunderous but nothing came of it.  I believe I found one more hibiscus bud deep in the foliage.  

I found three frogs in the pool and caught all three.  Mockingbirds and blue jays developed an appetite.  A nuthatch was back.  A hummer fussed around the dogwood.  A brown thrasher wanted barkbutter balls for supper.  

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