Sunday, August 25, 2024

Brown thrasher

If the Weather Service can be trusted, today was the last of the unseasonably cool days.  A mockingbird and several blue jays helped themselves to barkbutter balls.  Then a brown thrasher finished them off.  

The Argiope spiders hadn't moved and the cobweb spider was well away from my chair.  The finches continued to fight.  Hummers too.  A molting Carolina wren looked for something to eat.  It was not impressed by finch belligerence.  When a red bellied woodpecker arrived at the seed feeder the finch left without protest.  A tiger swallowtail attacked its reflection in the window. 

A skink was clinging to the outside of the pool skimmer opening so I helped it up to the pavement.  It was not grateful.  A frog was hiding in the outer part of the skimmer and I didn't see it till I'd finished dumping the basket. I'm glad it didn't get sucked down the pipe.  It swam off and later I found it hobnobbing with another frog.  I evicted one and the other used my climb out stick.  While in the pool, I saw a red spotted purple butterfly on the wild cherry beside the oak. I also found a couple of largish insect exoskeletons floating but I couldn't tell what they were.  Then I found another on the pavement and it was clear that it had been shed by a praying mantis.  

A few wasps were all I saw on the mountain mint but something left a lot of webbing and frass under one of the flower heads..   Birds. especially blue jays, have begun eating acorns.  A great blue heron rested on a post attached to the neighbor's dock.  

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