Monday, August 5, 2024


There was some rain late yesterday and the day was cloudy, humid, and buggy.  The hummer feeder was empty and a fresh one not out yet when a male ruby throat stopped for a drink.  How frustrating for the bird and me!  K hung the fresh feeder but the male did not return.   Female hummers approved.  

I expected more dragonflies than the one that perched briefly.  A robber fly lurked on the railing, looking like a Hulk-size mosquito.  I believe it was an Eastern hammertail (Efferia aestuans).  A blue mud wasp fidgeted around the mountain mint.  I saw leaf-cutter bees and other wasps, including great golden digger wasps.  

Pool rescues included a fig beetle and a green metallic tiger beetle that had the nerve to bite me.  In revenge, I made the tiger beetle pose.  Technically, it was a six-spotted tiger beetle, (Cicindela sexguttata).  I also hauled out a huge leaf-footed bug although it was a goner. 

A mosquito got into the house.  After buzzing around, it lit on the bug repellent!  And there it sat for a couple of minutes enjoying the smell of camphor, I guess.  It certainly told us the worth of that spray.  Sunset was very pink. 

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