Friday, August 25, 2017

Scary weather

There was a downpour after breakfast.  The sun came out for lunch but around 4pm dark clouds rolled back in.  There was a severe weather watch, but we only got sprinkles by dark  And at least we didn't have Harvey.

Doves have been around recently.  Some squirrels scarfed up the nasty seeds that K dug out of the feeder while others went for dogwood berries.  Blue jays preferred acorns.  They all made a mess.  Titmice stuck to feeder seeds. 

The hummer guarded her feeder even though it was dry.  K swapped it out.  There were mad chases all through the day.  Small skinks scooted around the patio but none fell into the water today. 

I found three argiope spiders in the marsh grass, fairly evenly spaced.  I didn't see any dragonflies in the yard, just out driving.  A cloudless sulphur flitted over the pool. Several painted lady butterflies danced in the air, courting or competing.  I wasted a lot of pixels trying to photograph their flight.

Later in the afternoon, a great blue heron perched on the neighbor's floating dock.  Eventually it flew to our dock, then hopped down to the floating platform.

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