Thursday, August 31, 2017

Warm sun

Egrets, both great and snowy, hung around the dam outfall.  Hummers competed for time at the feeder.  A skink somehow got up on one of the tables and went round and round trying to figure out how to get down.   

I found a skink floating and lifted it out without insisting on pictures.  There were lots of crickets in the skimmer so I gave them each a twig ride out of the water.  Shortly after that, the biggest cricket came racing back, hotly pursued by a skink.  Not the same skink - this was larger.  The cricket jumped into the water and the skink nearly followed.  I'm not sure if it was the water or me that caused it to slam on the brakes.  A smaller cricket climbed on me and I freaked out thinking I felt a spider.

I'd been hearing kingfishers now and then and today I saw two of them whiz down the creek.  They were much too fast for me.  Blue jays were up in the oak but I think it was a squirrel that kept dropping acorns in the water, 

A slaty skimmer buzzed me in the pool and later I saw a wandering glider dangling from the parsley.  A black swallowtail flitted between parsley and rue. The beautyberries were beginning to turn.  The sky began to grow cloudy around 6pm and was overcast by dark. 

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